Hi, y'all!
I have a confession to make to you ladies: the reason I haven't posted in a while is because I've had quite a rough time figuring out what to say on the subject of contentment while not dating. It's been a struggle for me to write on this topic because, quite honestly, it's a personal struggle for me.
I'm one of those girls that has always been friends with guys (trust me, this is actually a blessing), yet they never seem to think of me as more than that. I've struggled with thoughts like, "Why doesn't he like me?" "Am I really that unattractive?" and simply, "Why don't I have a boyfriend?" I know a lot of you can relate to these feelings and various others like them.
Most of us have seen at least one old movie in our lifetime. I love old movies; if I got a classic movie channel, I would be extremely unproductive. Anyway, we all know that at the end of an old movie, the handsome man gets the beautiful girl. Sometimes though in real life, the old movie thing doesn't quite work out. Sometimes the handsome man find a different girl; sometimes the handsome man doesn't feel the same way you do; and sometimes the handsome man ends up not having a handsome personality to match his looks.
If you're going through this right now, I want to speak directly to your heart: it's going to be ok. I know how it feels to think, "I thought he was wonderful! I thought he was the one!!! I'll never like another man!" What I've learned is that, no matter how great the guy that you're missing was, if he's not the one God has planned to be in your life, there's a better one for you out there; there's a better one out there for you!!! We may not feel like it, but God is gracious and doesn't let our current emotions change the truth.
God is not One who will give you second best. He has the best guy for you in His plans. The man who you marry won't be perfect, but he'll be the one you want to spend the rest of you life with, regardless of his flaws.
The most important One to remember, whether you're in a relationship currently or not, is God. God is the One who meets every need that you have. God is the One who loves you more than any imperfect man ever could. God is the One who will love you through everything, never destroy you, and work even the hardest parts of your life for your good. He's the One who wrote the definition of love! (See 1 Corinthians 13)
Psalm 63:3 says, "Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you." Did you notice that the Psalmist says God's love for us is better than life? It's better than any other love we could ever find because love from sinful humans will be tainted by their sin and our sin. God's love is perfect and perfectly holy because He is perfect and perfectly holy. And to think that He loves us through Christ even though we ourselves are far from being perfect (or even mildly righteous)?! God is truly amazing!!!!
God's love will always be the best love we could ever find. In His timing, God will provide the right man for each of us who are ordained to be married. Don't despair here; most of us are ordained to be married and, if we're not, we're given special grace to handle it (Matthew 19:10-12; 1 Corinthians 7:1-7).
Until that time, celebrate that you are able to minister to your friends while you're single more often than you would be able to if you had a boyfriend (not saying boyfriends are bad, just saying take the opportunities that you're currently given). At all times, celebrate the Lord and praise Him for His wonderful works to the children of men (Psalm 107)!
In His perfect love,
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