Hey, y'all!
A few days ago, I was reading John 12 in my personal devotions. As I read verses 1-7, something really struck me: Mary used her hair to wipe Jesus' feet! Right about now, I feel y'all thinking, "Yes, Lydia. It's always said that, honey...." That's true, but have you ever though about it? I mean really thought about it? I feel that there are two parts to this lesson; we'll only deal with the first lesson today.
Let's consider what hair mean to us as ladies: For many of us, hair is a way of expression; hair is fun to style (unless you have really thick, straight hair, but let's not go there now); hair is something that we use to beautify ourselves; hair is one of our most prized possessions.
And Mary used her hair to wipe Jesus' feet.
She committed to the Lord something that she most likely considered one of her most prized possessions. She considered Him more important than her hair. Not only did she commit it to Him, she used one of her highest forms of beauty to wipe his feet. No one would have said a word if she had had she wiped the Lord's feet with a towel! Yet, she loved Him enough to voluntarily use one of her greatest gifts for what some, like Judas, probably considered an unimportant service.
This is not an attack against hair. I enjoy trying new products and styles on my hair. Two of my best friends can attest that I love hair and always have. I am simply struck that many times we have an attitude of, "Oh Lord, you can have control of everything in my life...except...." Mary didn't add the "except" to the end of her commitment, she gave that one special thing to Jesus. There should be nothing in this life that we value more than the glory of the Lord.
May our Lord bless you!
P.S. I would love to hear what y'all think of my posts! Is there anything that you would like to have me write about in upcoming posts? Hope to hear from y'all!
That is too cool! Thank you for posting.=) Looking fwd to your next post.